Aqsa Saleem and Wanda Pfeifer each win a $500 USD FOREA Travel Grant to present their papers at the annual TCOS meeting in Halifax, NS June 9-12, 2022
Aqsa Saleem and Wanda Pfeifer win FOREA travel grants to present their research at the TCOS meeting in Halifax, NS June 9-12, 2022.
Incidence Rate of Strabismus Post Plaque Brachytherapy
Aqsa will present her paper at the TCOS annual meeting in Halifax, NS June 9-12, 2022. In her paper she will discuss the incidence of strabismus post plaque brachytherapy and categorize the type of strabismus.
Nyctalopia: What does it mean to the Orthoptist, the patient, and the family
Wanda will present her paper at the TCOS annual meeting in Halfix, NS June 9-12, 2022. In her paper she will discuss nyctalopia, or night blindness and will provide the orthoptist with resources to help patients and families diagnosed with inherited retinal disorders such as Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB) or Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA).