FOREA gives out $12,500 in scholarships to orthoptic students training in AOC and COC orthoptic fellowship programs.
Congratulations to our Orthoptic Student Scholarship Winners
Grand Prize and $5000: Allison Richards
$2000: Mariah Kelti Hogan
$1500: Katie Tullar
$1000: Katrina Callus
$500 Winners: Veronica Ton, Gabriella Waldusky, Carly Triana, Kendra Ferguson, Kathleen Prior, Tiffany Ann Khan
Orthoptics is a small, niche profession that is highly specialized. With very few certified orthoptists in Canada and the United States, educational scholarships and research grants that are numerous and accessible in the general medical community are not readily available to orthoptists. FOREA's scholarships reward deserving students with financial support to help pay for their graduate education. Please consider supporting FOREA in our mission to advance the Orthoptic Profession by donating today.